5 Signs That You Are Making Progress!
Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD
1. Those tempting foods are not so tempting anymore. Maybe it was nightly ice cream or a few too many rolls at your favorite Italian restaurant. That need is now under control. You may still want those things, but you do NEED them anymore.
2. You are respecting your body. Maybe you do not love every little piece of your body,who does? But now you are starting to respect your body. You can respect that your body doesn’t need all those added sugars. It needs to be fueled with vitamins and minerals to make it thrive!
3. You wake up feeling excited rather discourage. Instead of waking up thinking ughhh I am not good enough orrr ughh I am on a diet, you are waking up feeling hopeful. You GET to eat a variety of foods that make you feel your BEST!
4. You can say yes to going out to eat, grabbing a drink, or enjoying a delicious dessert without feeling nervous or guilty. While it is smart to look over the menu before or plan to go somewhere that you know has some good options, it is also important to not obsess over it or even worse miss out on fun things!
5. You are changing your mindset from looking at foods as “Skinny” and “Fat” to foods that will nourish your body. This is the most important thing that I want you to understand with my program. Once you start to learn to nourish your body, results will follow!