Easy, Fun, And Nutrient Rich After School Snacks!

Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD

Nicole Hinckley, LD, RD

It’s that time of year. The traffic is getting busier, sales are going on everywhere you look, and time seems to be going by faster. As a busy mom or dad sometimes it is difficult to choose healthy options that are quick and easy.  I am going to give you 5 of my favorite examples of fast, easy, affordable, and nutrient rich recipes that are fun to make with your kids. Does it get any better than that?

1.  Veggies and Greek Yogurt Dip! One of my favorite pieces of advice is to cut up a variety of vegetables at the beginning of each week and put them in the front of your fridge in a clear baggie so that you are tempted to reach for them first. Some ideas of veggies include carrots, snap peas, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, and cauliflower. To make the snack more kid friendly you can stir up 1 cup Greek yogurt, ½ cup skim milk, and one ranch dressing packet. Greek yogurt is a great source of protein. I recommend trying to work protein into each of your meals and snacks.

2. Ants on a Log! Trust me, the kids will love this! Cut some celery into sticks, fill them with peanut butter, and add little “ants” (raisins) to the top. Celery is mostly made up of water, so it can leave you feeling satisfied with fewer calories.

3. Brown Rice Cakes! These are a great grab and go snack. You can make them sweet or savory. Try adding avocado and everything bagel seasoning, hummus and sliced tomato or peanut butter and strawberries. Brown rice is a great source of manganese, which can be great for bone health and development.

4. Apple Nachos! This one is so fun to make with your kiddoss. Slice an apple and spread across a plate. Combine 1 tablespoon of peanut butter with a touch of olive oil, and heat in the microwave for about 30 seconds. Drizzle the peanut butter all over the apples, then sprinkle on any toppings you would like. You can do coconut flakes, pumpkin seeds, dried fruit, etc.! It is important when choosing a snack to pair a healthy carbohydrate choice such as an apple with a fat or protein such as peanut butter to prevent that energy crash and burn feeling.

5. Black Bean Chips and Hummus! This is another great grab and go option for days that you are running out the door on the way to soccer practice. Black bean chips are an excellent source of fiber which can keep you fuller longer throughout the day.

Nicole Hinckley Nutrition Consulting


My mission is to change the lives of my clients by helping them become a healthier, happier, and more confident version of themselves.

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