Morning Routine

Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD

Do You Have a Morning Routine?

I am such an advocate for creating a morning routine, and sticking with it! Make waking up fun and exciting! It is so important to get in the right space during your morning to set your day up for success! Here are my top 5 Tips for what all morning routines should include!

Morning Routine Must Haves!

  1. Exercise. Just do it! Wake up, put on the clothes you laid out the night before, and get in the car. It can make it easier to have someone meet you at your favorite walking spot or gym for accountability. I always start my work out on the cardio machine, and I don’t even wake up until about half way through my session. It is perfect! 
  2. Podcast. I LOVE listening to podcasts rather than music in the car and at the gym. I feel so motivated and it really focuses my mind on conquering the day. After listening, I usually think of a few ideas I want to implement. My favorite podcast is How I Built This.
  3. Skin Care Routine. Having a great skin care routine is essential! It does not have to be anything crazy, but it is very important to wash your face post sweaty workout sesh, and put on a sunscreen spf 30. I like to get ready at home in a clean space with my essential oils diffusing. If you have to get ready at the gym, find a way to make it feel positive.
  4. Music and Meditation. This can be done in SO many different ways. My favorite way to do this is post work out. After I have done cardio and lifted some weights, I head over to the mat and lay on my back. I will turn on some calming music such as Deep Focus or The Piano Guys on Spotify, lay there, close my eyes, breathe deeply thinking positive thoughts. I really try to find my inner peace. Just find something that gives you peace, and do that for at least 5-10 minutes per morning.
  5. Make time slots. At the end of my morning routine, I open up my Agenda and read everything that I had scheduled for the day. I try to find ways to be as productive as possible with the time I have, that way I can spend intentional time with my family and friends after work.

Healthy Tip of the Week!

Add something to your morning routine that will help you succeed!!
Maybe you want to wake up and read, or do something physical such as stretch or exercise. Maybe you just need to set the alarm clock 15 minutes earlier so that you can make a nutritious breakfast. Choose one thing, and really try to add that in to your daily life. 

Nicole Hinckley Nutrition Consulting


My mission is to change the lives of my clients by helping them become a healthier, happier, and more confident version of themselves.

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