So What Is The 80/20 Rule

Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD

So What Is The 80/20 Rule

Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD

I know some of you have probably heard me talk about this a few times. The 80/20 rule is one of the first things that I discuss with my clients, and it is something that I strongly live by. So basically what it means is that 80 percent of the time you are eating clean, whole foods, and the other 20 percent is spent enjoying your life to the fullest, and choosing foods that compliment your happiness. I have been in stages of eating “unhealthy” and stages of eating “too healthy”. The 80/20 rule has been my key to finding a happy balance in my life. The following reasons are why I live by the 80/20 rule.

1. You enjoy life’s happy moments. When people are on a diet, sometimes they miss out on the happy moments in life, such as their kid’s birthday cake or popcorn when they’re on a date at the movies. Sometimes people will want to avoid certain events, because they know there will be unhealthy temptations surrounding them. With the 80/20 rule it is okay to enjoy that little slice of cake or ice cream on your date.

2. It can help you switch things up. The meal I actually had for lunch today is a perfect example of a healthy 80/20 rule meal. I was putting together my lunch last night, and I added romaine lettuce, spiralized zucchini, diced sweet potato, and broccoli. I needed a healthy protein source. I had chicken in my fridge, but I wanted to switch it up a little bit, so I mixed my chicken with apples, grapes, and olive oil mayonnaise. No, the olive oil mayonnaise was not a whole food, but that is OKAY, because it allowed me to ENJOY my meal, and help me eat other whole foods such as chicken, apples, and grapes.

3. It is something you can maintain. It is a lifestyle rather than a diet, and there is no going on or off of this plan. There are several ways that it can be adjusted. You can look at it by meal, day, week, or even month if you know you will be going on a vacation or having friends and family over. I usually prefer to eat clean Monday through Friday and then indulge on a couple meals over the weekend.

4. You don’t feel deprived. One of the common things I see are people thinking about eating as a switch. They are either on a diet, or are eating whatever they want whenever they want saying I will start Monday. With the 80/20 rule you don’t feel deprived for not being able to eat that cookie your friend offered you. You can eat it, just make sure to pair it with a healthy day of eating.

5. It teaches you balance. Some diets tell you that you can have a cheat day or they don’t talk at all about the importance of indulging at all. This could potentially lead to an unhealthy relationship with food. I have found that dividing the way I eat into 80 percent clean and 20 percent not perfectly clean has really helped me feel satisfied. In the past, I would feel unsatisfied with a healthy meal, because I felt like I was missing out and I would feel unsatisfied with an unhealthy treat, because I felt guilty. The 80/20 rule gave me clarity in my eating habits. Do I count exactly everything I eat and divide into 80 percent and 20 percent? Absolutely not! Some weeks it may be more like 70/30 or 90/10, but I just try to do my best.

Nicole Hinckley Nutrition Consulting


My mission is to change the lives of my clients by helping them become a healthier, happier, and more confident version of themselves.

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