My New Years Reflection/ Updates:
Happy New Year! 2020 definitely went different than expected. There were SO many changes. Some were great, and some were opportunities to grow! Some of my highlights over the year were:
- All the amazing friendships I made with my clients!
- Getting to work with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders!
- Getting to spend so much time with my husband with him working from home!
- Moving to our new townhome in Plano!
- Hiring Sophia!

Sophia is my genius assistant/ social media guru/ content creater/ research queen! Sophia has been working with me for the last several months! She is AMAZING! I couldn’t do it without her!
Sets to Reflect and Set Goals for the New Year:

1. Reflect
Now let’s take some time to reflect on 2020! A lot can happen in a year! It’s important to take a pause and reflect and be grateful for just getting through probably the most unpredictable years of our lives.
Things to reflect on and ask yourself:
- Health and Happiness
- Your Routines & Habits
- Your Relationships
- How you spent your time and money
- Your professional development
- What accomplishments are you most proud of?
- What were some of the best moments?
- What are you thankful for?
- What areas were difficult and what did you learn from these challenges?
- Which areas were most rewarding?
- What worked and what didn’t?
2. Identify Values & Passions
Identify what matters to you now— your core values, passions, and strengths to help guide you through the new year. This is important for developing meaningful goals that are personal to you! Your values motivate you to prioritize based on what’s most important to you.
- Outline your values and priorities for 2021
- What do you really love doing?
3. Set New Goals
“All big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision. But as that decision is repeated, a habit sprouts and grows stronger.”
-Atomic Habits
Now that you have reflected and outlined what is important to you, you are ready to set goals for the new year. Start by envisioning where you want to be a year from now. Prepare for this goal by outlining measurable, manageable steps to reach this goal. Here are some areas to consider!
- Self Care
- Relationships
- Mental Health
- Resources
- Giving Back
Now, identify the progress you would like to see in the areas above and map it out! This ensures your progress is measurable. Tiny progress leads to remarkable changes!

Here are Some of My 2021 Goals!
- Move my body daily!
- Read at least one book per month!
- Continue to go to bed every night with a clean house!
- Provide weekly emails with great content to keep you updated on all the latest nutrition trends and healthy all year long!
- Program Revamp! My programs are currently under construction! Starting late January they will be fully updated! My clients will get a login with access to weekly video lessons, all the handouts, grocery lists, and so much more!
- ONLINE COURSES! Be on the look out for my online courses! They will be coming in March!
I can’t thank you enough for supporting me and my business this year. It means everything to me! As always, don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions at all!
Happy New Years!