5 Common Misconceptions

Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD

5 Common Misconceptions

Nicole Hinckley RD, LD



1.     Certain foods can make you “fat” and “skinny” Foods will not make you fat or skinny. Foods all provide you with energy. Sometimes foods (usually the tastier ones) will provide you with more energy per bite. It is okay to consume foods that are not socially considered healthy. Just have a few bites or accompany that food around a healthy day or week of eating.


2.     Eating fat will make you fat. This is not the case at all. Yes, fat does contain more calories than carbohydrates and fiber so you have to be mindful of your consumption. There are two kinds of fat. Saturated Fat and Unsaturated fat. I encourage all my clients to choose unsaturated fat more often. These are the fats found in a lot of plant foods such as avocados, nuts, and seeds! Fat is very satiating so it helps you feel fuller longer.


3.     You have to be hungry to lose weight. This is one of my favorite myths to debunk because it is simply not true. If you have tried decreasing calories, and are feeling hungry, make sure your diet includes bulk! Make yourself a big salad with lots of spinach, cucumbers, tomato, carrots, you get the picture! By adding bulk to your meals with low calorie fruits and vegetables, you will feel more full and will also be providing your body with more nutrients and fiber.


4.     Carbs are the enemy. Carbs are our bodies most readily available source of energy and you need energy to survive. Did you know that your brain runs on carbs? Now, I will say there are carbs that I recommend over others. Here is an example of the difference between carbohydrates coming from white and whole grain bread. They are both sources of carbs but the whole grain bread will provide your body more vitamins, minerals and fiber that help to fuel your body. They both provide energy, but the whole grain nourishes your body.


5.     Eating a snack will make you gain weight because you are eating extra calories. Often times, eating a snack can actually prevent you from overeating. I almost always eat a snack in between lunch and dinner.  Dinner is definitely my heaviest meal of the day and on the days I don’t have a snack, I can tell the difference in my food choices when it comes to dinner time.  I have found for myself and my clients that when I consume a controlled snack in between those meals, I consume less calories and feel even more satisfied.

Nicole Hinckley Nutrition Consulting


My mission is to change the lives of my clients by helping them become a healthier, happier, and more confident version of themselves.

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