WARM UP this FALL with These 5 tips!
Did anyone else get a little giddy when they walked outside this morning? Saturday, I remember looking at the temperature in my car and seeing 100! On my drive to work this morning I caught a glimpse of 62 out of the corner of my eye! I looked up in disbelief, drove a little further just to make sure, double checked the weather app, and sure enough… it’s officially fall in my books! I was trying so hard to embrace the season, but it was a little difficult when you are drinking warm pumpkin spice lattes in 100 degree weather. I can’t wait to get outside and enjoy this fall weather! So let’s WARM UP this fall with these 5 tips!
- Drink a warm herbal tea! I know it can be SO tempting to indulge in a warm and cozy sugary filled drink when the weather turns cold. Splurge occasionally, but if it something you are doing everyday, try warming up with an herbal tea. There are SO many different kinds to choose from with different benefits in each one. It is fun, tastes delicious, and it will make you feel GOOD!
- Go for a walk! Warm up outside with a nice walk. Walking for me is SO much more than exercise. It is a time to relax and have great conversations. I always feel less stressed after I go on a walk with Bentley and Andrew. I am pretty sure most of my great ideas have come on those 30-45 minute walks when we both get home from work!
- Make a delicious crock pot meal! There is seriously NOTHING better than coming home to a house where dinner is already made, and the dishes are already done. Last night we put a roast on in the crock pot, and it seriously made me feel so relieved that now when I get home all I have to do is heat up a bowl of delicious warm and nutritious roast beef. My favorite thing to make in the crock pot are roast beef, healthier chicken and dumplings, and pork-loin.
- Bake a fun treat! Baking is something that is so fun to do with the family. Find a fun recipe on Pinterest, and try to healthify it! This is one of my very favorite things to do (I think this is fun for everyone…..maybe its just my inner food scientist coming out.)
- Make a soup from scratch! Have you ever made a soup from scratch before? It is so fun! There is just something about throwing a few random things from your fridge into a pot, adding all the spices and then taste testing your delicious creation. You really cant go wrong with onion, garlic, celery, carrot, cabbage, and vegetable broth!
Healthy Tip of the Week!
GET OUTSIDE 5 days a week! If you live in Texas like me, you might have been telling yourself that you will start walking/ running when it cools down a little bit! The time is finally here! Just do it!