Week Day Morning Routine
Nicole Hinckley, RD, LD
One weird fact about me…. I LOVE hearing about people’s morning routines! So, I thought I would share my own! Although it slightly varies from day to day, most weekday mornings you can find my alarm going off starting around 5:00am. Then I usually hit snooze until 5:15am, because I’m too busy cuddling my precious puppy Bentley (oh and my husband too)! Then I get up and walk straight to the coffee pot. My loving husband always preps the coffee the night before so it is sure to be ready when we eventually make it out of bed. After I pour my delicious cup of coffee and add a little but too much creamer, I pop 2 slices of artisanal bread in the toaster and whip open that 2 lb jar of peanut butter (that I go through a little too fast), grab the blueberries from the freezer, and make my signature peanut butter/blueberry/and chia seed toast.

If you do not have a GO-TO meal in the morning I suggest you find one that is easy, tasty, and healthy. Feel free to take mine. My blueberry chia seed toast is great, because it contains a wide variety of vitamin and minerals, protein, fiber, and antioxidants!

I make sure I do not have any urgent emails in my inbox, then pack my gym bag, lunch, purse, coffee, breakfast, and post gym breakfast (hardboiled egg) into my car. This usually occurs in one trip, balancing my breakfast plate on my coffee tumbler. I meet my hubby at the gym, eating my breakfast on the way. Mornings are my absolute favorite time of the day. I strive to fill each one of them with as much efficiency and positivity as possible. I switched from listen to music to podcasts at the gym a couple months ago and it became a total game changer. My favorite binge worthy podcast is Jenna Kutcher’s Goal Digger. Definitely a go to if you are an aspiring entrepreneur. She is AMAZING. Every word she says is pure GOLD.

On a good day, when I get to the gym I do 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weights. Here is how I structure my workouts: Mondays are legs, Tuesdays are bis and tris, Wednesdays are abs, Thursdays are back, and Fridays are usually just cardio. On the weekends, I get my exercise in by playing disc golf, trail running, or taking Bentley on morning walks around my neighborhood.
After I am done exercising, I kiss my hubs goodbye and head to the locker room. I spend about 30-40 minutes getting clean, putting on my make up, and straightening or curling my hair. I also LOVE hearing about people’s make up routines. I think it is so fun to try out new fun products! After I am done getting ready for the day, I head back to my car and drink my coffee on the way to work in a great mood ready to conquer my day around 7:30-8:00am.
I am a much happier person when I have a morning routine! I eat better, am more productive, and feel more accomplished. If you want to chat about small changes to make to your morning routine to start living a healthier lifestyle, drop a message in the comment box in the “contact me” section!